REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Present: Mayor Weuve, Kallsen, Strong, White, Jones, Graves Mayor Weuve called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 PM. White made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Jones – 5 ayes. Dr. Sutton with the Riverside School District presented a handout regarding the K-12 Building School bond election that will be held on February 7, 2012 from 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Emily Haase, Golden Hills RC&D discussed and answered questions about the Water Trail Access Grant & DNR work crew. Kallsen made a motion to approve and accept the Water Trail Grant for improvements to Carson’s Water Trail Canoe Ramp, seconded by Jones – 5 ayes. City Council concurred they prefer the ramp improvements be constructed of concrete rather than rock for ease in maintenance and accessibility. White made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-1 (Adopt & Approve Rules of Procedure for Conduct of City Council Business), seconded by Strong – Roll Call 5 ayes: Kallsen, White, Graves, Jones, Strong. Mayor Weuve discussed Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) Ecoli Disinfection Project Funding. Jones made a motion to approve CL Carroll pay Request No. 4 – WWTP Ecoli Disinfection Project $3,800.00, seconded by White – Roll Call 5 ayes: Kallsen, White, Graves, Jones, Strong. Dave Sturm of Snyder & Associates explained contract overages for the South Mildred Street Project. Sturm stated final seeding and cleanup will be completed in the Spring. Sturm explained deductive Change Order for Carley Construction. Strong made a motion to approve Change Order No. 2 (Deductive -$15,310.65) for Carley Construction – South Mildred Street Project, seconded by Graves – Roll Call 5 ayes: Kallsen, White, Graves, Jones, Strong. Jones made a motion to direct the City Clerk to send a letter to James Taylor for improvement to his private driveway, seconded by White – 5 ayes. Graves made a motion to approve Carley Construction Pay Request No. 3 – South Mildred Street Project $16,000.78, seconded by Strong – Roll Call 5 ayes: Kallsen, White, Graves, Jones, Strong. Maintenance Reports were given regarding well levels and water lines. Well level draw down report was not presented. Discussion regarding condition of alleyway behind Fire Station. Kallsen made a motion to continue to allow Bruce Damgaard to utilize the yard at 109 S Central St in exchange for him maintaining the yard, seconded by Strong – 5 ayes. Mayor Weuve appointed City Commissioners with the exception of Personnel Commissioners. Personnel commissioners will be appointed in near future. Mayor Pro-Tem will be Troy Graves. Jones made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-2 (Appoint & Approve Planning & Zoning Commissioners), seconded by Kallsen – Roll Call 5 ayes: Kallsen, White, Graves, Jones, Strong. Kallsen made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-3 (Update & Approve Bank Signatures), seconded by Strong – Roll Call 5 ayes: Kallsen, White, Graves, Jones, Strong. Kallsen made a motion to approve the City Clerk to Publish & Advertise Audit Request for Proposals (RFP), seconded by Jones – Roll Call 5 ayes: Kallsen, White, Graves, Jones, Strong. No action was taken regarding Advertisement of City Owned Vacant Lots as Council is waiting on revision & recommendation from City Attorney. Grant Anderson of MAPA and Jeff Thuelen of Pottawattamie County Emergency Management presented Pre Disaster mitigation plan. During review of consent agenda monthly bills spreadsheet, Council inquired about United Seed invoice. Jones made a motion to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Kallsen – 4 ayes: Jones, Kallsen, Graves, Strong 1 nay: White. Motion carried. The consent agenda consisted of December 12, 2011 minutes, January Bills, Utility Report, Overtime Report, Community Center Report, Clerk & Treasurer Reports, Fire Department Report, Sheriff’s Report, Country Store Beer Permit. White made a motion to adjourn at 9:17 PM, seconded by Kallsen – 5 ayes. ATTEST: Brianne Duede, City Clerk Eric Weuve, Mayor