City of Carson Special City Council Meeting February 4, 2008 Present: Weuve, Pracht, Hendricks, Riddle Absent: Damgaard Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Hendricks made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Pracht – 4 ayes. Public was present, no comments were made. Hendricks made a motion to approve the Fitness Center purchases totaling $2,983 (Elliptical, Floor Mats, Storage Unit, Blinds) the City budget will need to be amended for these expenses, seconded by Pracht – 4 ayes. Community Center Items: It was reported that there has been a 4 th incident occur with the Scouts in the Community Building (Red Kool Aid and animal stains on carpet). Community Center Manager was directed to send the Scouts a final notice letter regarding their weekly meetings. Hendricks made a motion to approve the City Wide Garage Sale Event on April 26, 2008; City Hall will advertise the details in the City Newsletter and BVR Newspaper, seconded by Riddle – 4 ayes. Annual Spring Cleanup Day was discussed and was decided to do it the same as last year. City Hall will contact the Garbage Hauler to set the date and will advertise the date in the newsletter and newspaper. Hendricks made a motion to approve the Jensen Well Company Well Rehabilitation Estimates for all 3 wells, seconded by Pracht – 4 ayes. Riddle made a motion to approve Mains n' More Change Order #1 for Tibbles Water/Sewer Installation, seconded by Weuve – 4 ayes. Carroll Tibbles was present to discuss timeframe for paving in his subdivision. Mayor Taylor stated the City has spent $669,396.82 to date for infrastructure, and has only received $46 in tax revenues to date from the Subdivision. The engineer's opinion of probable cost to pave the subdivision is $485,375. The Developer Agreement between Tibbles and the City stated the City would provide Water, Sanitary Sewer, and street grading for a non-paved street. Mayor Taylor stated that perhaps the City would be able to cover the cost of paving the subdivision in spring 2009. Pracht made a motion to table further discussion of Tibbles Subdivision until the next Council Meeting, seconded by Riddle – 4 ayes. Council reviewed the final figures for the proposed 2008-2009 Budget and Levies. The 2007-2008 City Levy was $14.76/ per $1,000, the proposed 2008-2009 City Levy is down to $14.73/ per $1,000, and the general levy is below the $8.10 limit for the first time in over 7 years. The City's budget hearing will be held on March 3, 2008 at 7:30 PM at the Community Center. City Hall is currently researching the Credit Card-Debit Card Processing Capabilities for payments received in City Hall (Water Bill Payments, Fitness Center Memberships, Community Center Rental Fees, etc.). The City will research the opportunity of participating in the Iowa League of Cities Credit Card Pilot Program. Hendricks made a motion to approve the Tin Cups (TAST) Beer Permit Renewal, seconded by Riddle – 4 ayes. Riddle made a motion to approve the Tin Cups new owner's (Kim & Dave Gifford) new Beer Permit, contingent on the City receiving e-licensing information and dram shop certificate, seconded by Weuve – 4 ayes. Pracht made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 PM, seconded by Weuve – 4 ayes. Attest: Brianne Duede, City Clerk Lyndon Taylor, Mayor |