City of CarsonRegular City Council MeetingMarch 10, 2008Mayor Taylor called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Present: Pracht, Weuve, Hendricks, Riddle Absent: Damgaard Hendricks made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Pracht – 4 ayes. Public was present. David Bayer of Pottawattamie County GIS presented the Council with GPS Mapping options available to the City of Carson through the County GIS office. Treynor, Carter Lake and Neola have all utilized the County GIS assistance for mapping their utilities with GPS. GPS of the fire hydrants would be the most important item as it would be utilized by 911 Communications and emergency response. No Council action was taken. Stacy Robertson of Pottawattamie County Animal Control presented information to the Council regarding services provided to City's by the County. Robertson stated that the most common reason for City's entering into a 28E Agreement with Pottawattamie County Animal Control is for addressing dogs running at large after hours. The citizens would call the County directly with regards to animal control issues rather than the City Maintenance responding to the issues. All County Animal Control officers are trained and certified. No Council action was taken. Maintenance reports were given regarding well rehab and operation and engineered issues with the WWTP. Stillinger stated street potholes will be addressed when the weather is warmer and the streets are dry (cold patch). Hendricks made a motion to approve the request to extend the Fitness Center hours from 4:30 AM – Midnight 7 days a week, seconded by Weuve – 4 ayes. Community Center Manager requested to revise the contract non profit wording. Council discussed the issue and stated to leave the wording as is, and if there is any question of whether or not a non-profit is eligible for a free rental they must make their request to the Council. A $50 non refundable cleaning deposit was suggested by Mayor Taylor. Currently eligible Riverside Non Profits who have contributed to the Carson Community receive free rental of the facility but are required to pay a $100 refundable damage deposit for use of the facility. Surrounding community center facility's charge non profit organization for rental of their facilities. Pracht made a motion to approve the City Clerk to proceed with hiring a contractor to install an 8 foot section of cabinets in the City Clerk's Office contingent that it will fit within the current budget, seconded by Hendricks – 4 ayes. Hendricks made a motion to approve the 2 nd Draft of the City's Response to Tibbles Subdivision regarding Carroll Tibbles request for the City to pave the streets in the subdivision, seconded by Riddle – 4 ayes. The response stated that the City would not be in the position to consider any financing by method of general obligation bonding for infrastructure until fiscal year 2009/2010. Pracht made a motion to appoint Matt Bowen as the City of Carson 's Commissioner for purposes of attending School Board Meetings and reporting back to the City Council on the School Boards action concerning the abandonment of the Carson Middle School Facility and the proceedings with regards to the proposed new facility, seconded by Hendricks – 4 ayes. Hendricks made a motion to approve Resolution 2008-4 (Authorizing the Mayor to Draft and Submit a Letter to the Riverside School District of the City's Requirements and Expectations Regarding the Possible Abandonment of the School Facility at 330 Pleasant St) and directed the Mayor to note in his letter that Matt Bowen is the City's Representative, seconded by Riddle – 4 ayes. Mayor Taylor stated the people of the Riverside Communities need to know what the School District plans to do with the 2 future abandoned facilities. Riddle stated the Middle School parcel is zoned as educational, and would have to be rezoned for future development. Mayor Taylor stated there needs to be a plan in writing from the School district stating how they plan to remove the abandoned facilities and redevelop the parcels. Weuve made a motion to approve Resolution 2008-5 (Approve Mayor & City Clerk to Pay Fitness Class Instructors after each 6 week Session is completed-exp: yoga & lifestyle fitness), seconded by Hendricks – 4 ayes. Mayor Taylor stated that Bernie Cerny of MidAmerican Energy would be addressing the City Council in the near future regarding the associated cost estimates for running overhead power lines underground per the City's Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation Energy Disruption Prevention Plan. Riddle made a motion to approve Resolution 2008-6 (Approve an Application to CITIES Grant Program & to the State of Iowa HMGP Grant Program for the proposed Pre-Disaster Mitigation Project: Energy Disruption Prevention) contingent on further estimate information from MidAmerican Energy, seconded by Pracht – 4 ayes. Hendricks made a motion to approve Ordinance 191 (Readopting the Existing City Code of the City of Carson, Iowa-1 st Reading ), seconded by Pracht – 4 ayes. Hendricks made a motion to waive the 2 nd and 3 rd Readings of the Ordinance 191, seconded by Pracht – 4 ayes. Discussion was held regarding the parcel located at 418 S. Rodeo Drive , Park Land Acquisition Project. City Attorney Heininger presented some additional provisions and addendums to the purchase agreement. Hendricks made a motion to approve the signing of the Purchase Agreement for the parcel located at 418 S. Rodeo Drive with the attachment of the City Attorney's recommendation to sign the purchase agreement with City Attorney's Addendum of Provisions, seconded by Riddle – 3 ayes: Hendricks, Riddle, Weuve. 1 abstain: Pracht. Motion Carried. Hendricks made a motion to approve Resolution 2008-7 (Project Proposal for 418 S. Rodeo Drive : Park Improvements), seconded by Riddle – 3 ayes: Riddle, Hendricks, Weuve. 1 abstain: Pracht. Motion Carried. Hendricks made a motion to approve the Project Agreement for the Land Water Conservation Provisions, seconded by Weuve – 4 ayes. Hendricks made a motion to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Pracht – 4 ayes. The consent agenda consisted of the February 11 th and March 3, 2008 Council Meeting Minutes, March Bills, Utility Report, Overtime Report, Municipal Infraction Report, Community Center Reports, Approved Building Permit Report, City Clerk/Treasurer Reports, Sheriffs Report, and Fire Department Report. Hendricks made a motion to adjourn at 9:05 PM, seconded by Riddle – 4 ayes. ATTEST: Brianne Duede, City Clerk City of Carson February 2008 Revenues: General $15,613.67; Road Use $4,355.80; TIF Revenue $357.58; Employee Benefit Levy $6.28; Debt Service Levy $121.87; Community Center Capital Project $574.00; Water $10,063.72; Sewer $9,637.71; Garbage $5,268.13. Total Revenues $45,998.76. City of Carson February 2008 Expenses: General $17,917.61; Road Use $6,648.52; TIF Expense $0; Employee Benefit $823.36; Debt Service $0; Capital Proj.-Rodeo Drive $264.00; Tibbles Subdivision $10,125.23; Water $12,733.14; Sewer $8,045.49; Garbage $4,025.19. Total Expenses $60,582.54. |