MEETING NOTES: City of CarsonRegular City Council Meeting March 12, 2012Present: Strong, Graves, Jones, Kallsen (arrived at 7:31 pm), Alff Mayor Weuve called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Jones made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Strong – 3 ayes. Kallsen arrived thereafter. Public was present. Brad Sauser, Carson Legion representative presented sketches of the next stage of the eagle monument. Kallsen made a motion to appoint Richelle Alff to fill the City Council vacancy effective immediately, seconded by Graves – Roll call 4 ayes: Kallsen, Graves, Jones, Strong. Motion carried. James Taylor was present to discuss the driveway improvements at his property. Graves made a motion to table further considerations regarding the Taylor driveway until City Engineers have provided additional measurement portion breakdowns, seconded by Alff – 3 ayes: Graves, Kallsen, Alff. 2 nays: Strong, Jones. Motion carried. Carroll Tibbles was present to discuss Tibbles Subdivision concrete on Christy Street and Highway 92 frontage. Tibbles stated he believes there is grant programs available to assist with concrete construction. City will again research grant programs. Leslie Amdor submitted request for Children at Play Street Signs in her neighborhood. Mayor Weuve stated the Sheriff’s department has been made aware of the traffic concerns and will be patrolling the areas of concern. At this time the City Council has not authorized Children at Play Signage. Graves made a motion to approve CL Carroll Pay Request No. 5 (Final) – WWTP Ecoli Disinfection Project, seconded by Strong- 5 ayes. Kallsen made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-14 (Accepting the Work-2011 WWTP Ecoli Disinfection System), seconded by Jones – Roll call 5 ayes: Kallsen, Jones, Graves, Strong, Jones. Motion carried. Kallsen made a motion to approve Final Waiver & Release of Lien & Waiver of Construction Lien Rights-WWTP Ecoli Disinfection Project, seconded by Strong – 5 ayes. Maintenance Reports: Stillinger provided Dump truck Specifications. Mayor Weuve stated the next DOT Auction for used dump trucks is on June 2, 2012, Ames, Ia. Stillinger stated City Maintenance will be tearing the structure down at 309 N Mildred next week. Strong made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-15 (Approve Hiring Scott Larson & Setting Wage $9.50/hour for Temporary Part Time Seasonal Maintenance Position), seconded by Graves. Discussion held, no vote taken. Strong made a motion to amend and approve Resolution 2012-15 (Hiring Scott Larson & Setting Wage $9.50/hour for Temporary Part Time Seasonal Maintenance Position, if Scott Larson does not accept position Shawn Bluml will be the alternative), seconded by Graves-Roll Call 4 ayes: Strong, Graves, Kallsen, Alff. 1 nay: Jones. Motion carried. Kallsen made a motion to accept and approve Circle S Lawn care (Jim Schmit) for the Community Center yard fertilizer and weed treatment, seconded by Jones – 5 ayes. City Hall Reports: Hansen presented a draft of cemetery regulations. Duede presented a proposal to update the City’s Comprehensive Plan and suggested applying to Iowa West Foundation in Fall for funding the plan update. Jones made a motion to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Graves-5 ayes. The Consent Agenda Consisted of February Minutes, March Bills, Utility Report, Overtime Report, Community Center Report, Fire Department Report, Sheriff’s Report, Clerk/Treasurer Reports. Commissioner Reports: Discussion was held regarding downtown Broadway Retaining Wall. Alff made a motion to adjourn at 9:07 PM, seconded by Strong – 5 ayes. ATTEST: Brianne Duede, City Clerk Eric Weuve, Mayor City of Carson February 2012 Revenues: General Fund $15,883.44; Emergency Fund $4.54; Road Use $7,345.45; TIF $415.92; Employee Benefit Levy $11.64; Tort Liability $17.12; Debt Service Levy $196.21; Capital Project-WWTP $33,250.00; Water $10,630.92; Sewer $12,579.15; Garbage $4,391.50. Total Revenues $84,725.89. City of Carson February 2012 Expenses: General Fund $12,586.09; Road Use $6,564.50; TIF Fund $97.12; Capital Proj. WWTP $1,113.30, Water $16,337.65; Sewer $3,898.04; Garbage $4,192.46. Total Expenses $44,789.16.