MEETING NOTES: City of CarsonPublic Hearing Regarding 2011-2012 Budget Amendment Regular City Council Meeting Followed April 9, 2012Present: Alff, Kallsen, Strong, Jones, Graves Mayor Weuve called the public hearing to order at 7:30 PM regarding the 2011-2012 budget amendment. No comments were made. Kallsen made a motion to close the public hearing at 7:31 PM, seconded by Jones – 5 ayes. Mayor Weuve called the regular meeting to order at 7:31 PM. Jones made a motion to approve the agenda with flexibility of the order of the agenda, seconded by Strong – 5 ayes. Public were present. Graves stated he had received verbal complaints about feral cats in his neighborhood. Stillinger stated trapping can be done to diminish the feral cat population. Brad Sauser of the Carson Legion was present to discuss the Eagle Monument Wall plans. Kallsen made a motion to approve the Eagle Monument wall plans as Sauser had presented with footings to be included in the plans, seconded by Alff – 5 ayes. Carroll Tibbles was present to discuss grant opportunities to get some paving done along the frontage the Tibbles subdivision. Duede stated the City has exhausted all known grant resources for funding his request. Tibbles stated he would be willing to contribute $25,000 for paving. No action was taken. Dan Easton, Carson Fire Chief was present to discuss options to dispose of the Fire Dept. 1990 pickup truck. Graves made a motion to approve the Fire Department to utilize the truck for training, than proceed with scrapping it out for metal, seconded by Kallsen – 5 ayes. James Taylor was present to discuss the driveway improvements at his property. Jones stated it is not fair for the citizens of Carson to pay for a private driveway. Kallsen made a motion to approve James Taylor to only pay $658.50 less $169.50 =$489.00 of the $1,069.50 bill for the private driveway approach at James Taylor residence, seconded by Graves. 2 ayes: Kallsen, Graves. 2 nayes: Jones, Strong. 1 abstain: Alff. Motion failed. James Taylor stated he wanted the balance of the bill to be assessed against his property over 10 years. Jones made a motion to proceed with a special assessment of $1,069.50-$169.50=$900.00 over 10 year period on James Taylor property 224 S. Mildred St., seconded by Strong – 4 ayes: Kallsen, Graves, Jones, Strong. 1 abstain: Alff. Motion carried. Alff made a motion to approve Carley Construction Pay Request No. 4 (Sub final) S. Mildred Street project $2,137.50, seconded by Kallsen – 5 ayes. Kallsen made a motion to approve Carley Construction Pay Request No. 5 (Final) S. Mildred Street project $10,548.04, seconded by Kallsen – 5 ayes. City Clerk was directed to hold this final payment until the tree at 406 Washington has been properly trimmed by Carley Construction. Graves made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-18 (Accepting Work: Carley Construction-S. Mildred Street), seconded by Strong – Roll Call 5 ayes: Kallsen, Alff, Graves, Jones, Strong. Motion carried. Maintenance reports were given on WWTP, Chad Gordon achieved Grade I Water certification, water loss/leak detection. Kallsen made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-16 (Approve & Adopt Amendment of 2011-2012 Budget), seconded by Alff – Roll call 5 ayes: Kallsen, Alff, Graves, Jones, Strong. Motion carried. Kallsen made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-17 (Approve Fund Transfer for GO Debt Service Payments), seconded by Strong – Roll call 5 ayes: Kallsen, Alff, Graves, Jones, Strong. Motion carried. Alff made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-20 (Approve Setting Wages for Chad Gordon for Certifications Achieved), seconded by Graves – Roll call 5 ayes: Kallsen Alff, Graves, Jones, Strong. Motion carried. Graves made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-21 (Fixing Date for Meeting on Proposition to Authorize a Loan Agreement and the Issuance of Notes with Rolling Hills Bank), seconded by Strong – Roll Call: 4 ayes: Kallsen, Graves, Jones, Strong. 1 abstain: Alff. Motion carried. Kallsen made a motion to approve a 1 time average in 24 month period of Kristi Bowen’s high water bill (due to leak), seconded by Alff. 5 ayes. Kallsen made a motion to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Jones – 5 ayes. Matt Mills was present to propose converting his garbage hauler over to an automated trash truck & curbside recycling. In order for Mills to switch his hauler over to automated truck he would need all 5 of his Pottawattamie County Communities to be on board. Kallsen made a motion to approve of Mill conversion to an automated trash hauler, with curbside recycling, and still utilize the City’s recycling trailer for cardboard only, recycling trailer will be relocated to city maintenance shed, contract increase of $2.50 per household/light commercial per month, seconded by Graves – 5 ayes. City Hall will publish special newsletter to educate the public of the pending trash collection changes. Larry & Sarah Plagman submitted a bid for the City owned lot located at 309 N. Mildred Street. Lengthy discussion was held. No City Council motions were made at this time. A proposal prepared by the City attorney and Plagman’s attorney for the lot will be on the agenda for Council consideration at the May meeting. There was no action taken on Resolution 2012-19 (Approve Bid for City Owned Vacant Lot & Authorize Closing). Kallsen made a motion to adjourn at 9:36 PM, seconded by Strong – 5 ayes.
______________________________ _____________________________ ATTEST: Brianne Duede, City Clerk Eric Weuve, Mayor City of Carson March 2012 Revenues: General Fund $13,185.98; Emergency Fund $35.24; Road Use $7,302.63; TIF $3,227.68; Employee Benefit Levy $90.33; Tort Liability $132.83; Debt Service Levy $1,522.66; Capital Project-WWTP $123,380.00; Water $12,752.12; Sewer $17,163.25; Garbage $6,714.54. Total Revenues $185,507.26. City of Carson March 2012 Expenses: General Fund $13,059.02; Road Use $3,646.96; TIF Fund $56.39; Capital Proj. WWTP $10,273.70, Water $11,449.08; Sewer $4,918.44; Garbage $4,517.14. Total Expenses $47,920.73. |