City of CarsonPublic Hearing Regarding Sale of Lot at 309 N. Mildred St., Carson Regular City Council Meeting Followed June 11, 2012Present: Strong, Kallsen, Graves, Jones (arrived at 7:36 PM) Absent: Alff Mayor Weuve called the public hearing to order at 7:32 PM regarding sale of city owned vacant lot at 309 N. Mildred St. Larry Plagman was present and presented an Offer to Buy Real Estate Document, delivered to City Hall on 6/11/12. Kallsen made a motion to close the public hearing at 7:33 PM, seconded by Strong – 3 ayes. Mayor Weuve called the regular meeting to order at 7:33 PM. Strong made a motion to amend the agenda by removing the 1889 Saloon Street Permit Request for 8/4/2012 and approve the agenda, seconded by Graves – 3 ayes. Public were present. Kristina Hansen made a request on behalf of Marty Rieken, Rieken-Vieth Funeral Home to hold funeral visitations in the Community Building. (Jones arrived at 7:36 PM.) Kallsen made a motion to allow funeral visitations in the building for the Rieken-Vieth Funeral Home and Loess Hills Funeral Home at a rental fee of $150.00, seconded by Graves – 4 ayes. Larry Plagman and City Council discussed the Offer to Buy Real Estate Document that he presented to the City on 6/11/2012 for the lot at 309 N. Mildred St. Plagman stated he is not in favor of a Developer Agreement or a Quit Claim Deed. Mayor Weuve stated the City acquired the parcel with TIF funding. Minimal assessment language was discussed. The City will consult with the City Attorney further regarding the offer and the Offer to Buy Real Estate Document. No City Council action was taken regarding Resolution 2012-22 (Approve Bid for City Owned Vacant Lot & Authorize Closing-Specific Terms of Acceptance-Developer Agreement), resolution dies due to lack of motion. Maintenance Reports given regarding private curb stop repairs, Broadway retaining wall, and painting parking lot lines on Broadway & the Community Center Lot. Kallsen made a motion to approve Ordinance 208 (City Code Chapter 106 Garbage Collection Rates – 2nd Read), seconded by Jones – Roll Call 4 ayes: Kallsen, Graves, Jones, Strong. Motion carried. Strong made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-27 (Adopt Carson Cemetery Rules & Regulations), seconded by Graves – Roll Call 4 ayes: Kallsen, Graves, Jones, Strong. Motion carried. Kallsen made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-29 (Temporary Park Campground Closing during 2012 Rodeo Event), seconded by Graves – Roll Call 4 ayes: Kallsen, Graves, Jones, Strong. Motion carried. Lengthy discussion was held regarding employee evaluation forms and process. Graves made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-30 (Setting Employee Wages/Salaries-2% Raise for All Employees), seconded by Strong – Roll Call 4 ayes: Kallsen, Graves, Jones, Strong. Motion carried. Kallsen made a motion to approve Carson Mud Run Event-fundraiser for Park Trail Project to be held on 7/28/2012, seconded by Graves – 4 ayes. Graves made a motion to approve Carson Rodeo Beer Permit Contingent on Completion of online Application and Dram Shop Certification, seconded by Strong – 4 ayes. City Clerk Duede reported to the City Council that new TIF legislation will require an amendment to Urban Renewal plan in order to utilize TIF funds for street projects. Strong made a motion to direct the City Clerk to seek bids for amending the City Urban Renewal Plan to include Street Improvement Projects, seconded by Jones – 4 ayes. Kallsen made a motion to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Jones – 4 ayes. The consent agenda consisted of May 14, 2012 meeting minutes, June Bills, Utility Report, Overtime Report, Community Center Report, Sheriff’s Report, Clerk/Treasurer Reports, Country Store Cigarette Permit, Municipal Infraction Report. Kallsen made a motion to adjourn at 9:17 PM, seconded by Strong – 4 ayes.
Brianne Duede, City Clerk Eric Weuve, Mayor
City of Carson May 2012 Revenues: General Fund $14,468.79; Emergency Fund $246.18; Road Use $5,999.82; TIF $8,341.53; Employee Benefit Levy $315.54; Tort Liability $464.03; Debt Service Levy $4,693.13; Water $14,247.25; Sewer $16,432.79; Garbage $5,926.65; Capital Project – WWTP $62,000.00. Total Revenues $133,135.71. City of Carson May 2012 Expenses: General Fund $18,636.82, Road Use $5,922.22; TIF Fund $61,367.01; Capital Proj. WWTP $2,834.28; Debt Service $139,876.21, Water $23,685.34; Sewer $64,330.13; Garbage $7,656.36. Total Expenses $324,308.37.