City of CarsonRegular City Council Meeting July 9, 2012Present: Strong, Graves, Jones, Alff, & Kallsen (arrived at 7:32 PM). Mayor Weuve called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Jones made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Graves – 4 ayes. Public were present. Rick Sternberg was present to discuss the main street district. Sternberg asked if the City could apply to Iowa West Foundation to fund landscaping improvements in the business district, and inquired who really owns the right of way. (Kallsen arrived at 7:32 PM) Alff stated as a previous family business owner on Broadway (Sparky’s) they were responsible to maintain their right of way. Mayor Weuve stated the sidewalks and retaining walls are owned by the business/property owners. City Attorney Rick Kimble was present and confirmed ownership of the right of way is the property owners. Sternberg suggested a brick retaining wall or landscaping improvements would increase pride in the district. Jones inquired if Sternberg was aware that the City had indeed met with downtown business owners earlier this year and the City had proposed putting in a nice wall with landscaping but none of the business owners wanted the City to proceed with the proposal. Lori Holste of Western Iowa Development was present and stated she too had been present at the City/Property owner meeting that was held earlier on in the year. Holste suggested that citizens and property owners need to realize that it takes time to do downtown revitalization. Holste suggested that downtown right of way improvements could be done as a “neighborhood club” project and could apply to programs such as the Pottawattamie County Community Foundation for a grant. Mayor Weuve stated the City maintenance repaired the railroad tie retaining wall that had toppled down onto the sidewalk in front of the Wander In because it had become a public safety hazard. Graves stated the Theatre has maintained its right of way, recently installing a new sidewalk. Kallsen suggested that the downtown business district apply to the Community Club Can Corral for funding assistance to improve their right of way landscaping. Public continued: Butch Freeman was present and informed the City Council of his concerns with the new automated garbage system. Kallsen stated all of Matt Mills Trash Service’s 5 Pottawattamie County Communities (Carson, Macedonia, Oakland, Treynor, & Underwood) are converting to the automated garbage collection system. City Attorney Rick Kimble was present to discuss the City’s options to dispose of the City owned vacant lot at 309 N. Mildred Street. Kimble explained the Safe Harbor sale method vs. Fair Market Value sale method. Kimble informed the Council of new TIF Urban Renewal (TIF UR) Regulations that took effect July 1, 2012 which will now require the City to amend its Urban Renewal Plan for the deposal of City property acquired with UR TIF. Larry Plagman, who had previously made an offer for the lot at 309 N. Mildred, was present and stated his concerns with minimal assessments, developer agreements, and the form of deed. Lengthy discussion was held. Plagman and City Council came to agreement that the developer agreement would read if a home was not built within 2 years a minimal assessment agreement would begin at a value of $90,000, the City and Plagman would split the abstract fees 50/50, the City would use the Safe Harbor method to sell the property. Jones made a motion to authorize the City Attorney to proceed with drafting a new developer agreement and minimal assessment agreement for proposed sale of 309 N. Mildred Street, seconded by Alff – 5 ayes. Lori Holste of Western Iowa Development Association (WIDA) was present to discuss the Home Town Competitive (HTC) initiative in Pottawattamie County, including Riverside Links. WIDA now has a business coach available for entrepreneurs; entrepreneurs in Carson are eligible for assistance. Maintenance Reports given: Chad Gordon has passed the WWTP Grade I Certification, Feuring property in Tibbles Subdivision have requested a 1” water line from the main to the meter, update was given on the parking lot line painting project and cemetery mowing. Kallsen made a motion to proceed with a 1” water line at 117 Christy Street (Feuring property), seconded by Alff – 5 ayes. Kallsen made a motion to approve Charles Bichel/1889 Saloon permit to Use City Property for a Garlic Festival to be held on the parking spaces in front of the following addresses only: 118 Broadway (1889 Saloon), 124 Broadway (Village Shoppe), 114 Broadway (previously Hummel Insurance), 116 Broadway (previously Broadway Photo), the permit is to be issued for August 1, 2012 and August 2, 2012 from 12:00 PM to 12:00 AM on those days, motion seconded by Jones – 5 ayes. Alff made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-31 (Approve Temporary Closing of Rodeo Drive to Accommodate the Mud Run Event, July 27-July 28, 2012), seconded by Kallsen – Roll Call 5 ayes: Kallsen, Alff, Graves, Jones, Strong. Motion carried. Kallsen made a motion to accept and approve Fulton Steamer Carpet Cleaner proposal to clean carpets and strip and wax the tile floors in the community center for $1,334.56, seconded by Alff – 5 ayes. Graves made a motion to approve Ordinance 208 (City Code Chapter 106 Garbage Collection Rates – 3rd & Final Reading, When Effective: Rates will be activated when Matt Mills Trash Service Begins Automated Trash Collection Service), seconded by Jones – Roll Call 5 ayes: Kallsen, Alff, Graves, Jones, Strong. Motion carried. Kallsen made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-32 (Ratify the Community Center Rental Policy for Funeral Visitations for the Rieken-Vieth Funeral home and Loess Hills Funeral Home at a Rental Fee of $150.00), seconded by Strong – Roll Call 5 ayes: Strong, Jones, Graves, Alff, Kallsen. Motion carried. City Clerk Duede gave reports regarding TIF Urban Renewal Plan Amendment preparation fees and recommended to proceed with Simmering Cory to prepare the necessary amendment. Alff made a motion to approve the City Clerk’s recommendation to proceed with Simmering Cory for the TIF Urban Renewal Plan Amendment, seconded by Kallsen – 5 ayes. Duede recommended that the City amends the TIF Urban Renewal Plan to include street improvement projects as well as the sale of city owned vacant lots. Kallsen made a motion to approve including the following TIF Urban Renewal Plan street improvements for the following project locations: intersections of Highway 92/S. Commercial, Highway 92/S. Mildred, Highway 92/S. Oak, and the Highway 92 Right of Way at Christy Street (Tibbles Subdivision entrance), Fire Station Alley, seconded by Graves – 5 ayes. Kallsen made a motion to approve the City to provide 2 port pots for the Mud Run Event on July 28, 2012 which is a park fundraiser, seconded by Graves – 5 ayes. Strong requested to pull the Bills out of the consent agenda. Alff made a motion to amend and approve the bills, the Park Board bill should be amended by deducting the Gametime and Taylor Plastics bills from the annual park board allocation, seconded by Kallsen – 5 ayes. Kallsen made a motion to adjourn at 9:17 PM, seconded by Alff – 5 ayes. ___________________________________ ________________________________________ Attest: Brianne Duede, City Clerk Eric Weuve, Mayor