City of CarsonPublic Hearing on Proposed Zoning Map Amendment for the City of Carson, Iowa Regular City Council Meeting August 13, 2012 7:30 PmAt Carson Community Center Present: Council Members-Strong, Kallsen, Graves, Jones, Alff. Mayor Weuve. City Clerk Duede, Community Center Manager Hansen. City Maintenance Supervisor Stillinger. Mayor Weuve called the public hearing to order at 7:31 PM regarding proposed zoning map amendment for the City of Carson, Iowa. Public were present. No comments were made. Mayor Weuve closed the public hearing at 7:32 PM. Mayor Weuve called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Jones made a motion to approve the amended agenda, agenda was amended to remove agenda items “Review Planning & Zoning Commission’s Recommendation Regarding the Proposed Right-of-Way Vacation at 120 South Commercial St.” and remove “Motion to Set Date of September 10 2012 7:30 PM for Public Hearing and 1st Reading of An Ordinance To Vacate the Right-of-Way at 120 South Commercial St.”, seconded by Kallsen – 5 ayes. The items were removed from the agenda because Planning and Zoning has tabled the topic until further information can be gathered. Public were present. Cory Edic inquired about the flower tanks in town. Sue Jones provided information about the decorative flower tanks located throughout town. Becky Lamb of Carson was present to request renting the building for the Guardian Angel Program (nonprofit organization) which provides service alert dogs for individuals who have been diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes. Community Center Manager Hansen inquired with the Council if the rental would be non-profit (this particular non profit is not located in the Riverside Community) or reduced rate. Kallsen made a motion to waive the community building rental fee for the Guardian Angel Program Dinner & Silent Auction Fundraiser as requested by Becky Lamb, with a required $100 damage deposit, seconded by Alff – 5 ayes. Motion carried. Brad & Marsha Sauser were present to represent the Carson Legion Bar. Brad Sauser stated the current Legion commander has quit, the Legion will submit notification of their new officers to City Hall once they have held an election. Sauser stated the City will need to submit their notification of new officers to the State for the Liquor/Beer License. City council took no action. Sauser inquired where the City is at on getting lighting installed for the flag poles at the community center. Kristina Hansen and Brad Sauser will work on the lighting together. Kallsen made a motion to ratify setting the date of August 13, 2012 for the planning & zoning commission and city council public hearings held regarding zoning map amendment request, planning and zoning commission public hearing for the 120 south commercial street set-back variance request and vacation of right-of-way request, seconded by Jones – Roll Call 5 ayes: Kallsen, Jones, Strong, Alff, Graves. Motion carried. City council received and reviewed the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation to approve the proposed zoning map amendment for the City of Carson, Iowa, to amend Lot 13 in the Tibbles Subdivision from R-1 (Residential Single Dwelling) to C-2 (Commercial Highway) zoning. Jeffrey Martens stated he and Pete Martens have concerns about water runoff that may come from the commercial development on Lot 14/13 in Tibbles Subdivision, Martens would like to see some type of control for the run off. Eric Hough, developer of Lot 14/13 in Tibbles Subdivision, stated he has hired Snyder & Associates to handle run off buffers and to engineer the project. Kallsen made a motion to approve Ordinance 209 (Amending the “Official Zoning Map”, City of Carson, Iowa – 1st Reading, waive 2nd and 3rd Reading), seconded by Alff – Roll Call 5 ayes: Kallsen, Alff, Graves, Jones, Strong. Motion carried. Discussion held with Carroll Tibbles that Lot 9 on Grace Street may potentially sell in the near future. Alff made a motion to approve engineering to Lot 9 in Tibbles subdivision pending the sale of Lot 9 to a buyer, seconded by Graves – 5 ayes. Motion carried. Maintenance Reports given regarding private curb stop repairs and water conservation needed. Maintenance Supervisor Stillinger recommended to the City Council that the City would enact Water Conservation Warning Level 1. Kallsen made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-33(Approve Water Conservation Declaration-Water Warning Level 1, per Maintenance Supervisor Stillinger’s Recommendation), seconded by Alff – Roll Call 5 ayes: Strong, Jones, Graves, Alff, Kallsen. Motion carried. Alff made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-34 (Approve Revised Form for Application for Permit to Build, or Move Building-striking “Repair” from application), seconded by Graves – roll call 5 ayes: Alff, Graves, Kallsen, Jones, Strong. Motion carried. Kallsen made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-35 (Approve Public Hearing for the Sale of the Lot Located at 309 N. Mildred to Larry & Sarah Plagman), seconded by Jones – Roll call 5 ayes: Kallsen, Alff, Graves, Jones, Strong. Motion carried. City Clerk Duede made a recommendation to the City Council to update the City Code per Iowa Codifications Summary of Legislative Updates. Kallsen made a motion to approve and proceed with the 3 recommendations that the City Clerk suggested pertaining to: utility service discontinued and lien exemption, nuisance assessments, and all terrain and off-road utility vehicles, seconded by Strong – 5 ayes. Motion carried. Jones made a motion to approve the consent agenda with the recommendation that more specifics are included in the Cen Pro Bill memo, seconded by Strong – 5 ayes. Motion carried. Consent agenda consisted of the minutes from July 9, 2012, August bills, Utility Report, Overtime Report, Community Center Reports, Municipal Infraction Report, Fire Department Report, Sheriff’s Report, and Clerk & Treasurer Reports for June & July, 2012. Kallsen made a motion to adjourn at 8:35 PM, seconded by Alff – 5 ayes. _______________________________ __________________________________ Attest: Brianne Duede, City Clerk Eric Weuve, Mayor City of Carson June 2012 Revenues: General $15,792.97; Emergency $49.14; Road Use $3,892.63; TIF $4,500.81; Employee Benefit Levy $125.95; Tort Liability Levy $185.23; Debt Service $2,123.25; Water $11,337.05; Sewer $14,465.95; Garbage $5,061.79. Total Revenue $57,534.77. City of Carson July 2012 Expenses: General $18,714.19; Road Use $3,923.22; TIF $56.19; Employee Benefit Levied $1,915.70; Capital Project-WWTP $3,637.19;Water $8,284.00; Sewer $4,147.77; Garbage $4,030.68. Total Expenses $44,708.94.