MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2011 7:30 PM

Present:  Weuve, Damgaard, Strong, White        Absent:  Mayor Taylor, Jones
Mayor Pro-Tem Weuve called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 PM. 
White made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Strong – 4 ayes.
No comments from the public. 
Carroll Tibbles was present to discuss his subdivision.  Tibbles stated he would like to see some improvements made along the Highway 92 frontage of his development.  Tibbles stated he had spoken with Mayor Taylor about cost sharing for the improvements.  No City Council action taken.
Damgaard made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-45 (Adopt 5 year Extension of Tibbles Urban Renewal Agreement), seconded by Strong – Roll Call 4 ayes: Damgaard, White, Weuve, Strong.  Motion carried.
Strong made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-46 (Adopt 5 year Extension of Lewis/Lariviere Urban Renewal Agreement), seconded by White – Roll Call 4 ayes:  Damgaard, White, Weuve, Strong. Motion carried.
Damgaard made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-47 (Approve Davis Bacon I-Jobs Reporting Agreement with SWIPCO), seconded by Weuve – Roll Call 4 ayes:  Damgaard, White, Weuve, Strong.  Motion carried.
White made a motion to approve CL Carroll Notice to Proceed & Pay Request No. 1 $7,835.60 – WWTP Ecoli Disinfection Project, seconded by Damgaard – 4 ayes. 
Maintenance discussion on WWTP sludge hauling, Central Tank Coatings water tower interior paint conditions, Wells, Ron Stillinger recommended selecting Central Tank Coatings for Water Tower Inspection/Cleaning contract.
Weuve made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-30 (Approve Service Agreement for Water Tower Cleaning & Inspection-award contract to Central Tank Coatings), seconded by Strong – Roll Call 4 ayes:  Damgaard, White, Weuve, Strong.  Motion carried.
Damgaard made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-35 (Accept Offer to Buy Real Estate for the Parcel at 316 N Central St., and Authorize Mayor & City Clerk to Execute Offer to Buy Real Estate & Acceptance, Purchase Price $15,000, TIF Low Moderate Income Expense), seconded by Weuve – Roll Call 4 ayes:  Damgaard, White, Weuve, Strong.  Motion carried. 
White made a motion to approve the Community Building Manager to proceed with contracting/installing Dish cable television for the fitness center not to exceed $35.00/month package, seconded by Strong – 4 ayes. 
Damgaard made a motion to approve Ordinance 206 (Amend Chapter 92.09 Customer Deposits-1st Reading), seconded by Weuve – Roll Call 4 ayes: Damgaard, White, Weuve, Strong.  Motion carried. 
Damgaard made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-48 (Motion to Approve Carson Park Improvement Project Pedestrian Trail Easement, with amendment to wording to include installation of gates to aid in securing the Rodeo Grounds and City Park during events), seconded by White – Roll Call 3 ayes: Damgaard, White, Strong. 1 Abstain: Weuve.  Motion carried. 
Damgaard made a motion to approve the City Clerk to open a second Safe Deposit Box at Rolling Hills Bank (Large Box), seconded by Strong – 4 ayes. 
Damgaard made a motion to accept Richard Heininger’s resignation as City Attorney (due to retirement) effective December 31, 2011, furthermore request that Richard Heininger arrange for one of the partners or associates at Smith Peterson Law Firm to take over as City Attorney, seconded White – 4 ayes. 
Weuve made a motion to approve an application to the Iowa Department of Inspections & Appeals for a 2 Year Qualified Organization License & Annual Game Night License for Proposed Poker Tournament Fundraiser and select Dreamland Theatre Projector Project as beneficiary of fundraiser profits, date to be announced at a later time, seconded by Strong – 4 ayes. 
White made a motion to approve the consent agenda excluding the Sheriff’s Report (has not yet been received), seconded by Weuve – 4 ayes.  The consent agenda consisted of September 12, 2011 minutes, October Bills, Utility Report, Overtime Report, Community Center Report, Clerk & Treasurer Report, Municipal Infraction-Nuisance Report, Approved Building Permit Report. 
White made a motion to adjourn at 8:21 PM, seconded by Strong – 4 ayes. 
ATTEST:  Brianne Duede, City Clerk              Eric Weuve, Mayor Pro-Tem