City of Carson Regular City Council Meeting December 14, 2009 Present: Damgaard, Weuve, Pracht, Hendricks, Riddle Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 7:31 PM. Hendricks made a motion to move the Consent Agenda to the top of the agenda and approve the agenda, seconded by Pracht – 5 ayes. Pracht made a motion to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Weuve – 5 ayes. The Consent Agenda consisted of November 9, 2009 minutes, December Bills, Utility Report, Overtime Report, Community Center Reports, Fire Department Report, Sheriff’s Report, Clerk & Treasurer Reports, and the Municipal Infraction Report. Public was present. Jerry Dawson (Botna Valley Reporter), Dave Sturm (Snyder & Associates), Charles Strong (Council-elect), Chris Pracht, Jacque Taylor, Bill Heitert, Randy Cody, Sue Jones (Council-elect) Patrick White (Council-elect), James & Divonna Taylor, Liz Graves. James Taylor of 224 South Mildred was present to request that the City vacate the alley that is adjacent his property. He stated concerns of safety and suspicious activity in the alleyway. Riddle made a motion to table further consideration of this request until the new City Council Elect takes seat in January, seconded by Pracht – 4 ayes: Riddle, Pracht, Hendricks, Damgaard. 1 nay: Weuve. Motion carried. Riddle made a motion to provide one time water bill relief and average the current bill for Peggy Karstens, seconded by Damgaard - 5 ayes. Hendricks made a motion to approve the purchase of the additional elliptical machine for the Carson Fitness Center as recommended by Liz Graves, seconded by Weuve – 5 ayes. Kristina Hansen presented 2 proposals for Cemetery Software to the City Council. Cemetery Software costs will be part of the 2010-2011 budget. Pracht made a motion to direct the City Clerk send any ex-council or ex-mayor a Council meeting packets and the ex-member would be responsible for the postage and envelope costs only-no cost for generating copies of packets to be passed onto ex-members. Motion failed due to lack of second. Riddle made a motion to table further consideration of this until the January meeting, seconded by Pracht – 5 ayes. Riddle made a motion to have the Dodge pickup truck repaired with cost not to exceed $1,500, seconded Weuve – 5 ayes. Mayor Taylor stated Ron should take the truck to Frenchies Repair. Hendricks made a motion to approve $16,393.44 Pay Request No. 1 General Excavating for Water Improvement Project, seconded by Damgaard – 5 ayes. Hendricks made a motion to table consideration of South Mildred St. Intersection Improvements and Underground Electric/Vintage Lighting Proposal, seconded by Riddle – 5 ayes. Hendricks made a motion to accept Struyk Lawn Care for Cemetery Lawn Spring Weed Spray, seconded by Weuve – 5 ayes. Riddle made a motion to table Community Center Lawn Care Proposal Consideration until January meeting, seconded by Weuve – 5 ayes. Hendricks made a motion to adjourn at 8:10 PM, seconded by Pracht – 5 ayes. Attest: Brianne Duede, City Clerk Lyndon Taylor, Mayor